Ring ring

mobile flashing with pc

Take Your phone info by dialing *#0000#

After that download Navifim for Original Firmware

Here is the


C:Program FilesNokiaPhoenixProductsRM-xxx ( RM mention in ur firmware files)

- copy ur firmware files in this RM-xxx folder
- open OGM_JAF_PKEY_Emulator_v 5. and prss GO
- JAF gets loaded
- goto BB5 Tab
- uncheck crt 308 check:Normal mode, Manual flash and Use INI wait till ini pops up

- select ur Phone model and RM 
- Press Flash :cool
- wait for ur phone to reboot
and its done .......... now enjoy ur updated phone...

If this doesn't work, or u get any error OR if ur phone turns dead then:
1. turn ur phone off
2. connect with pc via usb cable (in off state)
3. check: Manual Flash, Normal Mode, Use INI and check DEAD USB option in BB5 Tab
4. click Flash
5. turn ur phone on (hold power button) untill flashing is started....
6. wait till phone is rebooted...